最近已經慢慢進入美國買禮物的旺季了,一般Amazon的東西,在30天內都可以退貨,不過,只要你是在11/1~12/31買的東西,在1/31號之前 都可以退貨,美其名是希望大家不要怕買到不何用的,最主要目的還是要鼓勵大家趕快消費啦,不過這樣也好,最近就可以放手買,不用擔心不能退貨啦。Return Policy在這。

Amazon's Holiday Return Policy
Just a reminder.

"Our standard policy is to accept most returns within 30 days from the date of delivery. However, we understand that many customers like to order holiday gifts early, so we have extended our returns period for the holidays.

Items sold by Amazon.com and shipped between November 1 and December 31, 2008, may be returned until January 31, 2009 for a full refund, subject to our other returns restrictions listed below."

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