有網友說有收到live.com cash back的信,也有人問過是可以有20% cash back,有需要的快去吧!coupon有使用次數,如果太多人用就會失效了!

OH My GOD!!! 今天,HP出現了一個coupon "買超過$1000的HP Pavilion系列的電腦,就可以再打三折,貨是桌上型電腦,可以400 off 999,這邊有網友列出了型號,請參考!

另外,配合下面的促銷,應該還有20% 的cash back可以拿,等於是買一台1000的電腦,只要1000-300 (HP coupon) -140 (20% cash back) = $560。這樣幾乎是半價了,有讚吧!!

網路上並沒有討論到HP用了coupon會不會就沒有20% cash back的問題,我無法確定,所以如果你買的話,請注意cash back有無出現,通常訂了後,live.com應該是很快就會通知你,如果沒有,最好趕快取消訂單。

剛剛網友貼出了live.com的規定,有說不能用coupon,不過好幾次我都用了coupon,還是有cash back ,這個規定到底是怎樣的,我還真不確定

From MS
You may earn up to Two Thousand Five Hundred U.S. Dollars ($2,500.00) of cashback rewards in a calendar year. You may earn Live Search cashback rewards on purchases that you complete in the same web browsing session after clicking on advertisements or listings in the Live Search service or the Live Search cashback service. Eligible advertisements will be marked with the Live Search cashback logo. You will not earn cashback rewards on purchases where (a) you open the store's web site in a different web browser; (b) your browser is not configured to accept cookies; (c) the purchase is not completed in the same web browsing session (not to exceed 24 hours) initiated by clicking on the eligible advertisement or listing; (d) the order is later cancelled or the goods or services are later returned; (e) the store does not report the purchase to Microsoft; (f) the goods or services are acquired for resale or other business purposes; (g) you also use a separate discount or coupon; or (h) you exceed the annual monetary cap on cashback rewards. Live Search cashback rewards are not available on purchases of gift cards or gift certificates or on purchases you make from yourself or entities that you control or in collusion with other people.


HP現在有經由live.com就可以有20% cash back ,你要經由這搜尋,點cash back連過去HP,你就會看到跳出視窗說你可以有20% cash back,好像只有在HP Home & Home Office Store才會有20% cash back另外,HP現在還有 十周年慶,這樣就可以省更多了,剛好有要買筆電或其印表機的他,或許是不錯的機會喔!

很可惜這台新推出的EliteBook 6930P,HP Home & Home Office Store並沒有,不然可就省多了!


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