感覺好像要放假了,一直再講一些旅遊的促銷,這次要說的是申請西北航空的聯名卡WorldPerks VISA Signature Card(左邊的apply now),只要你approve並消費滿$500 USD,就會送你20000飛行哩程,如果你剛好有要坐西北的回家,何不順便申請一下呢? 加上這個,在累積一下就有免費機票了

這張Signature card是要年費的,但是第一年免年費($55USD),第二年再剪卡就好囉! 當然啦,介紹這個,我也是有好處的,申請的時候,請記得填入我的西北航空會員號:556818485 ,這樣我也可以拿到5000 miles。不過我最多只能拿20000 mile,如果你申請有通過,請記得來這說一下,到時可以讓別人去賺那5000 miles (那個人一定要已經有這張卡才行)


WorldPerks Visa Signature Card Benefits
In addition to the benefits offered by the Platinum card, you'll receive:

20,000 One-Time Enrollment Bonus Miles 1 
Redeem up to two award tickets a year for as little as 19,000 miles each2 
Double Miles for purchases direct from Northwest Airlines 3 
No preset spending limit 4 
No cap on miles you earn 5 
Redeem 10,000 miles for $100 off a Northwest Airlines ticket - up to six times a year 6 
Get a Free Day on a 3-day weekend rental from National Car Rental®, plus up to 15% savings and a complimentary Emerald Club® membership 7 
Enjoy VIP perks at the world's best hotels, resorts, villas and cruises with complimentary membership in the Hideaways AficionadoTM Club (a $135/year value) 8


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